
Showing posts from November, 2020

Different Types of Glasses with Pros and Cons

Over the years, glasses are considered to be a staple decor item for homes and buildings. In churches and palaces, colored glasses were used to crave sculptures on walls and for the colorful impression on the floors. And, with time windows become more and more an integral part of any building for many reasons. This is also because over time, with the advent of technologies, glasses can be designed and re-structured in many patterns such as:    Float Window Glass Laminated Window Glass Obscured Window Glass Double Glazed Windows Tinted residential window    Some of these are mentioned below with their pros and cons that you can consider accordingly for your next projects:   3M window Film   - These are the best quality glasses for any construction that lasts for years.    Pros Budget-friendly Strong against wind and heat changes Allows full light transmission Superior visi...